Whiteout (2009)

by Caleb | 9/11/2009 04:57:00 PM in |

A murder mystery has two jobs, good characters and a murder mystery that is worth getting the audiences attention. WHITEOUT sad to say failed at these two things. The unusual setting of a murder happening in Antarctica was just not enough for me at all. I love movies and watch a lot of them, so I watch something that is "by-the-numbers" storytelling I am okay with that just as long as the story has interesting characters. By the time the film became a mystery I was just bored and didn't care.

In WHITEOUT Kate Beckinsale stars as U.S Marshall Carrie Stetko who transfers to the South Pole because of some bad history left behind in Miami. After two years of being stationed at a research facility Carrie is ready for a vacation. Her bags are packed and ready to hit the tropical climates until a body is reported in no man's land. The body is from another research lab, someone else gets killed, a plane under the ice gets discovered, mysterious contraband, and none of this is even remotely interesting. The sum of all the parts just equaled to nothing.
