The Last Starfighter (1984)

by Caleb | 9/07/2009 07:18:00 PM in |

One of the greatest science fiction B-movies from the '80's was released on Blu-Ray and I got the pleasure to view it. The Blu-Ray HD transfer makes THE LAST STARFIGHTER look the best it has since seen in theaters. It is amazing how the HD really sucks you into what is happening on screen. The very dated 1984 CGI has been given new life.

Alex is a young man who lives with his younger brother and mother in a trailer park. He helps run the park with his mom by doing most if not all of the maintenance around the place. He has big city dreams and one day will leave the trailer park behind. Whenever Alex is not with his girlfriend or helping out a neighbor, he plays an arcade game called Starfighter. One day when life is not going his way Alex takes his frustrations to the game and beats his high score. Later in the evening an alien by the name of Centauri shows up and tells Alex he has to leave with him to join others in the Star League to fight a huge battle. You see, Centauri built the arcade game to recruit potential Starfighters to fight against Xur, commander of the Kodan Armada.

Some viewers may complain at how crude the special effects look nowadays, but I think that it adds to the whole video game aspect of the movie.