About NPX

by Anonymous | 8/29/2009 11:31:00 AM in |

This is a useful section to read about the site and to learn about each reviewer so that you know where they are coming from in their reviews.

About the name.

Nerd Party Extreme is actually a phrase that I used when my friend and I would be really hyper at the amusement park Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. We would spend 4 or 5 days at the park getting there around 8 A.M. and staying there until after closing at 11 P.M. The only way we could accomplish this for days in a row was taking unhealthy amounts of stay-awake pills.

Suffice it to say, we were usually really hyper - thus the extreme. I named a few of my Cedar Point videos after the phrase and liked it a lot. So, it stuck. Since then, it has come to symbolize how I feel about being a nerd. When I decided I'd like to make a site reviewing movies and such, I figured this would be the best name to encompass what I'd like to accomplish. Oh, and NPX sounds cool.


About Kris

I've been a fan of movies my entire life. It was only about 5 years ago that I really became a fan of film and a self proclaimed movie nerd. Because it was only 5 years ago, I have been able to witness a lot of histories greatest movies in a short time span. However, there are still many I've yet to see.

How I review: I generally like almost any movie on the planet. I'm a fan of movies first, a fan of film second. Here's how I see it. A movie fan can see any movie and appreciate it for the entertainment value and escapism that it offers (the original purpose of movies). A film fan needs to see greater importance behind a work. Generally, a film fan greatly prefers Oscar type movies to summer blockbusters. Almost all movie reviews are written from a film critics perspective; which is why I started this site.

For example: Transformers and Wolverine received relatively poor reviews from critics because they didn't offer anything in the way of what many consider Oscar fair. To me, I was able to thoroughly enjoy both and appreciate them for what they were: big loud obnoxious stupid summer fun. They didn't have a point beyond being a spectacle.

So, that's how I'll review on this site. I'll give you a movie fans review and a film fans review. (I consider myself both.)


More information will be provided as further staff come on board!