Sherlock Holmes (2009)

by Anonymous | 1/04/2010 05:20:00 PM in |

          When I first saw the trailer for Sherlock Holmes I wasn’t very impressed. Guy Ritchie wanted a trailer out early and they had only filmed a few scenes. The result was a full length trailer that primarily focused on three different scenes. The trailer vastly misrepresented the film. So, if you are hesitant because of the trailer, I hope to put your mind at ease.

            Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Sherlock is one I hadn’t really seen before. Not being familiar with the literature he’s based from, I had no idea that Holmes was actually a character much more like Adrian Monk. He’s so overly obsessed with details that he can’t really function in society; so he stays cooped up in his apartment doing research, only appearing for cases.

            Dr. Watson (Jude Law) is his attending doctor. The two have lived together for a while now and become good friends. The only problem is that Watson is planning on getting married any time now. Entire Sherlock in a rather Gregory House role trying to split the two of them up.

            Elsewhere, Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) is hung for his crimes. In life he practiced heavily in the black arts. The story really kicks in when Blackwood is resurrected from the grave to unleash an evil plot. Sherlock can’t help but be intrigued by the case and leaves with Watson to get to the bottom of things.

            The performances across the board are very strong. Downey is still proving that his second career is vastly better than his first. He’s a very likable character that comes off very annoying for Watson, but thankfully we only share in the funny side of things with Sherlock.

            Jude Law plays annoyed very well in this film. Downey and Law have a wonderful chemistry that reminded me strongly of Brad Pitt and George Clooney in the Ocean’s movies. The two play off each other in situation and dialogue, often improvising in unwinnable fights and using each others strengths.

            Watson is a war vet, thus knowing how to fight; while Holmes is so analytically minded that he thinks out the entire fight in a split second before it happens, essentially playing chess. There are a few really great segments with Sherlock going over his plan of action in stylized slow-mo before the pace picks back up and he destroys his enemy in a few swift moves.

            The dialogue is well written and the comedy is sharp. You will spend a good deal laughing during this film. But they aren’t sight gags or culture references. They are well designed and thought out jokes that work well and reminded me of great comedy classics like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. (Another duo that Downey and Law remind me of – Caine and Martin)

            Lastly, the music is absolutely stellar. Hanz Zimmer (one of my favorites) returns with a very strange blend of Pirates of the Caribbean meets bluegrass. It really is something to behold. If you don’t believe me, go on iTunes and listen to the sample of “Discombobulate.”

            I was pleasantly surprised by this film. Guy Ritchie has made a triumphant return with Sherlock Holmes. It sets itself up for a sequel and I really can’t wait to see it!